Welcome to Astrology with Willamarie!


It is my passion to offer you “a way in” — to dive deep with the guidance of evolutionary (or counseling) astrology — as you journey to an increasingly fuller understanding of yourself. It is a true privilege and pure joy for me to help facilitate the opening of awareness to your own amazing potentials within. To help you see that the choices and challenges your Soul decided to undertake in this lifetime are all for the purposes of growth and evolution. The Universe is always expanding; every single one of us is not only expanding along with it but also contributing our distinctive light and insight and sense of possibility to it. Once we understand our own Soul’s map (our Birth Chart), we gain clear direction and empowerment to confidently pursue our own unique life’s purpose. 


In my experience, the clarity that comes with understanding one’s Birth Chart opens the windows to see clearly both the potentials and pitfalls of the specific energies playing out. This becomes incredibly empowering because the foundational principle in this practice is choice. It is always our free will that gives us the autonomy to make the choice about which way to go. 


For those genuinely interested in exploring their Soul’s Map (and who already have some experience with self-reflective practices), this approach to astrology becomes an incredibly fascinating endeavor in which one can not only look back and find the evidence of how the journey has gone thus far “according to our Soul’s plan,” but also to look forward with empowered excitement to live each day from here on more strategically and joyfully. 


Currently in the final stages of an intense deep-dive training and apprenticeship in evolutionary astrology, I am offering General Readings for apprentice pricing. (As my confidence builds, my pricing will build in accordance with it!) At present, I am offering sessions via Zoom. 


Want to dive in? Join me!