Culture Day

In Japan, November 3rd is Bunka no Hi, or Culture Day.

A national holiday, it’s designated as the time to officially recognize and celebrate Japanese culture, the arts, and academe. Festivals and special exhibitions take place in cities and towns across the country, and a national awards ceremony, presided over by the Emperor, honors individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Japanese culture.

In fact, the whole first week of November celebrates education and culture; it’s the time when schools and universities all around Japan salute the achievements of their students with school festivals… hugely fun and memorable experiences.

I like to think of my children’s book, All About Japan: Stories, Songs, Crafts and More, as a celebration of Japanese culture, too! In it, artist Kazumi Wilds and I introduce Japanese culture to English-speaking audiences in a fun and festive way. If you haven’t already, please check it out!*

Bunka no Hi is a day when people are encouraged to celebrate Japanese culture by visiting local art museums and exhibitions, participating in festivals and special performances. Whether they actually do or not… nonetheless, what a valuable recognition of the importance of the arts — a worthy intention, indeed!! (Says the former museum educator!) To pause from the regular frenzy of daily life and give oneself the gift of beauty? To nourish the soul with music, visual art, dance, drama — whatever resonates most strongly? To allow for the perceptual shift that invariably takes place as a result of arts engagement?

Though it’s not a national holiday here in the U.S., why not take this opportunity to honor the arts anyway? If you were able to make the arts/culture a priority this week, what would that look like for you? A museum visit? A performance of some kind? Would you take the time to make art (especially if that’s not part of your regular daily routine)? How might you honor the arts in your life?

And most importantly, then afterwards, to notice: how do you feel? How has your perspective on life shifted — even if by just a little bit?

* I understand there’s currently a global paper shortage that’s only going to get worse as we get closer to the holiday season. Yikes! If you’re looking for children’s books to give as gifts to elementary school-aged kids in your life, NOW’s the time to order!!